


Here you will find my view of my world through my eyes.  A collection of my life experiences, mistakes made, lessons learned, thoughts, views and opinions.  Of course you won’t agree with all that I have to say but if you sit back relax and take a look around you just might smile.

I am a very busy person to say the least and at any given moment I may be wearing any one of my many hats.  I’m a military wife, friend, daughter, sister, small business owner and ombudsman.  You might also notice right away that I often write about my three canine-children.  I am without doubt an animal lover through and through. This has been true since childhood and I will say some of the best friends I have known were pets.

I love learning, books, movies, the internet, creating things and that isn’t to say I am always good at creating but I do love the process. I have heard that true happiness is achieved through the journey not at the destination! Personally, I fine this to be true. I have a wonderful husband, a beautiful home and people who love me. I consider that all to be a blessing and have to constantly remind myself of just how lucky I am to have my life. I am after all human!